HAPPY NEW YEAR(belated?)


######PLETHORA  OF  EVENTS ######PRECEDING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So a new year is at the threshold.The hands of the clock are showing23:17.
Another year passing silently with its silent actions being lulled to eternal slumber by the wands of time.The whistles of the distant local train rings in the ear, as I silently murmur “Ring out the wild bells, Ring out the old, Ring in the New.2015 over, now it’s turn for 2016 to amaze the show.The countdown started in no time with the crackers going off in deafening manner. A memoir of the old year lingered as Mom served me with hot hotchpotch and egg &co. Parents are having dinner right now. A new year signing into our life silently as the cacophonies of madding crowd vibrate out this solemn hour; however it lies in your own hand to save the moments. Today , the last day of 2015 , is also a very special day for e as well as my Mom & Dad,as I had a brief conversation with renowned Bengali literateur Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay, when Maa made contact with the writer, presently in his eighties. He , a man belonging to the old formative school , was communicative and that’s a great positive gesture from such a high- profile stalwart like him. In fact “Bilwasiva” was created from his brain , in terms of nomenclature, while Maa rightfully applied the name , thanks to birth of a chararcter Bilwasiva
॥ ঝিলের ধারে বাড়ি ॥
And also thanks to everyone associated with Bilwasiva.So another42.something minutes, to count for the celebration to reach its zenith.In fact a great year in terms of its bounty of experiences and profound situations, is steeping into oblivion never to come back again.
॥আজকে আবার সকালে ৭:৩০ নাগাদ ঘুমানোর সময় Hello বলছিলাম স্বপ্নে । কাকে, আর মনে পড়ছে না।Santa Claus মনে হচ্ছে । মা আমাকে পুড়ো ব্যাপারটা বলল॥
Well, that’s a part . In fact a New year drawing in and that’s the breaking news for the time being. Time is passing at its full flow . Lots of cherished moments , lots of breathtaking nervy moments with a few disappointments dotting the line; the year was awesome.
A jovial January stepping into the life , filled with the tidbits of inspiration from parents, attending of tedious tutorials, leading the prayer hall on 31 st, witnessing of matches , and a frantic Saraswati puja ( sorting of books to give on the altar of goddess).
A fanatic February filled the shoes of January as my last Naranarayan Sebastian ( as a student) occurred, with H.S. preparation going in full swing. Able assistance of Maa and Baba made me determined and even a crescendo to my all ready determined determination. The great battle within yards. Also I was regular in keeping tracking of matches and listening to the commentary.
A mesmerizing March followed with its 13 th day marking the event. H.S. probably my whole energy conserved for the last 18. Years came to my aid to take the charge , as I was divinely drived for those days. And then there was the final bells of Ndp. Ndp over . A great moment to reckon with the basket of nostalgia filing the vacuum. New oaths and mantras marking up the life for a newer foundation.
A pacy April and mid May followed with the competitive exams making life aweful.
Finally the moment and the most yearned moment of the year in the run .A gift to my parents. My Maa and Baba.
A Carefree June followed with the disastrous results of jee-advanced. Well.let’s forget that one. To err is human.
Well, July arrived soon with Bits pilani calling me to step again to hostel life once again , again missing my parents, with the only access over the phone minimizing the distance . Kalamji passed suddenly and it was really a bolt from the blue .
August was a new month in terms of my habituations and everything. College life-A new inception into the run . Days becoming artificial, yet to my open wonder ,H.S. syllabus is nothing to that of this one. Very voluminous.
Swift September swiftly speeding down leaving my then sluggish mind swinging between EEE and CS, with the former holding the edge.A deceived betray from A.B.Birla as I missed the scholarship by a hair-breathed nick .However have got to know a bit about the procedures of entrepreneurial activities and other internships, completely different from the old schools of school.
October passed smoothly with my parents visiting me. Also the first Asthami outside Bengal without parents was a ….
November passed nothwithstandingly.
And so doing December.In all proportions..Countdown has started greatly. Crackers hullaballoo pandemonium everything::::
শুভ নববরষ॥॥॥॥॥।
Also five year Happy Birthday of pet doggie!!!!
A great feeling of pleasure as I had a solemn great discussion with mother. The street dogs are barking even louder. To mark the event :: In festive manner. Dogs are competing among themselves regarding who is their micdog.
Now a fertile discussion is going among the ” we three “…..
01/01/2016. Finally.
At the threshold…sorry.থুড়ি।.already live in the calendar.
কালকে, থুড়ি পড়শু একটা ৭০ line এর লেখা কবিতা deleted হওয়াতে খারাপ লাগল। Delhi airport e লিখলাম, বাড়িতে এসে ভুল করে trash press করলাম, মুছে গেল॥।

All izz well!!!!!!!!!!!
So let’s scroll the calendar by one more fold, and phew’ when I gonna do it, it’s done , and in haste, courtesy Time.



When the rubbish rumours of hoaxes choke  your conscience;

When the wheels of fortune trample your petals of purity,

Let the soft heart bows to pragmatic mind in obeisance,

And crafts the mind  rock-solid in utter defiance and placidity.

When the satirical stigma of opposition stings sour;

When the stains of false forgeries tarnish your radiant dignity,

Let the Buddha in you take control of your power,

Amidst agitations and woven whirlpools of thugs, in anonimity.

When the interim appeasing popularities stab the real talent ;

When the hard-earned finesses go ignored in taunts and jeers,

Let your tedious brain be active and effervescent

To defy all odds and acquire your lost crown amidst cheers.


When selection of erratic lunatics makes you frantic

To stage a protesting voice against the corrupted practice;

Let your belief be your weapon to gag it and chill the panic,

As truth triumphs over biases to corronate and save you out of malice .

When thorns of hypocrisy blooden some genius prospects;

Let the righteous bend of aplomb pacifies your gesture.

When partition of regional rifts snap the paired hearts and bisects;

Let the fortress in your psyche defends your stature.

When the despotics ravage your hard-earned intellect;

When the menaces of society stain your beloved faiths;

Let the trauma in you be diluted by all that’s shine and reflect

Boosting you to fight your nemesis and living wraiths.

Even if the filths of this world tampers its placid plaudit,

Your charismatic calibre caresses your conscience in it.


Stand tall even if ills of this world make all lean!!!






“Jay Hind”- SALUTE TO THEE!!!


When the fanfares of pomp and glory blow again and again,
To commemorate the triumphant victory of humanity;
When Nature transcends its bounty into soothing rain,
To form barren grounds into greenery of serenity;
When budding buds of blossoms unfurl in flying color,
Sleeping in cozy dreams of beauty in lap of Nature;
Nestled in her womb and milked by nectar of shower,
Your magnetic demeanor amplifies ours to crave our future.
When your time-winning messages mould our lives in exponents,
And cast our dreams into your own visual thoughts, to reckon-
We wish to feel those “Gone are the days” of awe-inspiring moments;
When your magnanimous genius made this land a luminous beacon
To all onlookers – stalwarts and laymen, feeling your enigma.
When the catastrophic time fails to choke your protesting voice ,
Spreading the doctrines of Paradise’ placid peace as a mark of charisma;
Your revolutionary ideals made all, across the boundaries, rejoice!
Your valor implored all being merciless, to fall at your feet, seeking mercy!
All vices and sins volatilize into sanctity through your sublime venerations;

Your utmost fusion of honesty and just majesty – a rich legacy,
Scripted in the annals of history- a celebration through generations.
When your celestial speculations unlock the secret of universe,
When your age-defining inventions dilute the viscosity of technology,
When your versatile talents earn plaudits to be rhymed in poem and verse,
We feel your epoch-making works, singing the songs of praise and eulogy!
Your patriotic, fervid, fervent fervor flamed this famous land
With the warmth and fancy of fiesta of freedom and inspiration,
Driving out autocratic despotics, fighting tightly hand in hand-
Unleashing once again its true potential – out of its motivation.
When your varied unified incarnations spell-bound us in hailing tone,
When your illumining aura delves into our head, bowed in obeisance,
When your lustrous life wipes out the obloquy of this land, borne
In fluctuations of commitments, we salute you in deep reverence!
When the kaleidoscope of knowledge floods this land for umpteenth time,
When the ripples in rivers preach the profound motto of peace in ecstasy,
When the exotic beauty of this land gets coupled in couplets with synchronizing rhyme,
Your divine smile delineates the same land in unfathomed, cherished fantasy.
When the melodies of cuckoos and country-conchshells reverberate in its sense,
When the rafts of cloud open the heavens to usher the blessings of God;
This land perceives your Majestic Midas’ touch, your impactful essence and eternal presence;
The greatest of all lands – epitomizing earth, being abode of the Lord!

“Presenting the laurels and applauses to the Great INDIAN Being , manifesting
In different incarnations, sanctifying India over the ages, singing and praising
INDIA’s glorifying tale; “a tribute to all eminent INDIANS” creating
Renaissance in rhapsodies and with their inner souls, reminiscising and recreating!!!”



Let your collosal retronyms of accolades dazzle ever,
As I want to be reflected in your glorious aureole forever,
Defying the inquity of gruesome Time in its shadow ,
Who plunders all glories and inters them in his cursed meadow.
Let the fountains of fame fathom your fabulous flair;
Impeccable and idyllic instincts installing in calibre.
All I want is a boon or two, igniting the humane love,
For all hearts at large, driven by the innocence of a dove.
Or shall I seek some soaking symphonies of your warble,
Beating in pulsatile notes as in front of knowledge-sea, I collect pebble ?
Let the raptures of bliss and sorrow cultivate your recognition-
Illustrious, eminent and astounding aspect in prodigious vision.
Let the pragmatic endeavour in you be impregnated in me,
As your caressing advices direct me to dwindle the flaws in me.

Let the redeemer  in you reign over my frenzied psyche,
To renew the sinew, and heal my effigy alike.
Let your galactic behemoth ecclipse all blacks of evil,
Let your pellucid quest for truth clears all that’s vile.
Let the effulgence in you bestow blessings on nimbus of my life,
Culminating my crests and troughs, as you play the divine fife;
Resonating your incandescent esteem in robust radiance,
And enthralling the arcadian earth with your sheer brilliance.
Let your mesmerizing, munificent magniloquence master
Over opulence of orotund Orphean opera operating on oeuvre
Of the vast bailiwick of literateurs amending the cult,
Brimming with the legends of minstrels amplifying the merit in result.
Let the august laurels of gracious grandeur make my life sublime;
Oh my Lord, resurrect myself amidst your aura in rejuvenating rhyme!



Under the eerie night sky there passes a breezy zephyr,
Dotted by the hoots of veteran owls and screeches of bats,
Spinning the subtle web of mystery around Nature ,
Like that of the spooky weird wilderness reverberating its silence-
Calm, yet so desolate and haunted like a death valley,
Echoing its morbid horrid spells through every chasm.
Hovering through the filthy air , greeted by fiends and specters ,
It shakes off the living leaves of foliages into lifeless dusts.
No chunks of fresh lives- only call of fatal evils exists
Far away from humanity, yet so near to the devil minds ;
Deep inside their crooked corners and orifices,
Shrouded by sublime sacred symbols of goodness ,
Yet so dark and dreadful in the interiors and subconscious chambers.
Such is the heinous mind of an inhuman being- A sinful soul,
Disgracing humankind with the traits of world of dead- an apparition.
As the hell’s hallucinations mark omens of wraiths,
Castles of ogres and swamps of zombies swarming in,
The sinner fosters his evil dreams into merciless acts-
Terrorisms, tortures, torments then tune to the trails
Of his bloody introspections lined by his fatal deeds ,
Deceiving his own place as a human into a draconian devil.
Casting his wrath into the wickedness, he demolishes –
Everything lying in its way- like a noxious threat
Terrifying human race with the puissant prowess –
Christened by Lord of vices , murdering virtuous consciences.
Outmanoeuvred and ransacked rubbles of civilisation tremble :
At his outragious wrath seeking the advent of a saviour;
But alas! All in vain; Victory of nefarious vileness follows;
Epidemic, terror, genocides, holocausts then take charge;
“Save the earth”- resonates in the air; but only the
Howling of wolves and squeals of vampires respond;
The massacred earth remains immersed in his sin.
But surely the Redeemer will reincarnate to fight all odds,
And finally the fatal voice will be choked to doom ,
Rendering the planet into another renaissance.
An idyllic earth will then vibrate with pulsatile tones
Of tweeting of birds and resurgence of humane attributes;
An utopian Earth will be then formed out of its cursed cocoon!!!

SAYONARA ’15!! Let’s have a look back!

happy new year.jpg

*********Let’s have a look back *********
With yet another year going to supply an element of intrigue to our most-thought and most-sought reminiscences that we foster and nurture, let’s not shy off from our old zeitgeists which adorn our heritages.Even when artificial etiquette, hypocritical demeanour and corrupted bondings stain the traits called socialism and mannerisms, most of us silently wave goodbye to the traditional and quientessential interactions which are the citadel upon which the edifice of fraternity and globalization can be made.
At a phase when a part of the people coming into the limelight, can be accused of embezzlement of their own conscience by stepping into scams, should we open the newspaper once more to relish the news or we stage a voice of protest? Nevertheless, neither I nor you have the complete puissance to overturn the system, rather we can at least ignite the torches to show the way. When the world can enumerate paradigms of non-acknowledgement and scarcity of honours and awards bestowed on talented people, we should discern the tension. It’s hard to believe that lack of enthusiasm and scarcity of awards are most detrimental to a pole performer and agile achiever. Yet we still murmur silently ” All izz well ” to boost our momentum. Well, that was a medicine surely, but indeed not a panacea. We really need to come out of our isolated shells and become a part of the global demands surpassing our personal needs and greeds.
Promising the fairytale of an impeccable society will be a wet blanket ; still we can catapult this self-centred society to a somewhat newer edition. When the threats of unemployment and deindustrialisation torment the fate of India , the last year saw a huge boogie man created at the issue of intolerance. Indeed tolerance need not be complacency; intolerance need not be aggression. What we need right now , is delineated in the fresh brains of the Indian youth and in experiences of skillful scientists , efficient entrepreneurs and adaptive advisors who can stem out the rot. The current intelligentsia wing of the society need to be more radical and logical in their outlook illuminating their sensible minds and bettering their egoism. ” I ” should be sacrificed and ” you ” should be the most-coveted catchword. Social transparencies are getting ecclipsed now and then as innocent lives face the guillotine and sly shoulders dodge the axe and slip away. Quite a number of exemplifications can be followed, if we look down the memory lane to get a hold of a suitable solution. Otherwise, we would have been outmanoeuvred by our own draconian faults.
Let’s not lock horns with our neighbours over trifles and thus forget our assignments. This can be clearly portrayed in the sell-A-penny affair between India and Pakistan. India can surely prosper in greater dimensions if it opens numerous channels and thus not remain confined within the day-to-day sweet and sour statements with its western neighbour. Surely, India has showed an awesome gesture in the profound efficiency of the ” Disaster Management Forces ” in challenging the Chennai floods. The way the whole jeopardized situation came under control is mind blowing. The unified spirit of all Indians was channelised into one orifice and this is a national boost; reflecting the same national patriotic upheaval after the Kargil War, 1999. If all the issues of India can be solved in a unanimous way, India can touch the zenith; and surely it has the potential to achieve it.
However for India to live up to its potential, it needs to ride the crest of tech-driven solutions. That’s the only way the country can leapfrog tough phases and emerge as a true knowledge economy with its heritage being the pivotal center. Such tech-driven overhauling of India’s leaky subsidy mechanism will do a world of good for its economy. In fact an amalgamation of traditional social manipulation with sophisticated technology guarded with digital platform can prove to be the X-factor behind flourishing of the India of our dreams.Fractionalism only signal catastrophy ; let’s turn a deaf ear to any dismal remark christening India. Personal instincts , personal demands , personal seekings should be overshadowed by a powerful fervid nationalism engrossing our minds. At this auspicious hours let’s solemnize our philanthropic oaths and channelise them into the stream flowing through the domains of humanity and accelerating the charismatic growth of India, radiating with kaleidoscopic scintillance. Also presenting everyone a belated Happy New Year!
Jay Hind!!!!!!!!