WALKING the HAPPY WAY in New Year’18 & Onwards…


As the clamouring of the church bells toll amidst the balance of tranquility and jubilation, 2018 has made its way in. Prayers have been said, oaths have been taken in an air of solemn grace, joy and celebrations have been done in full song, wishes have been showered to all corners- as we embark on a newer journey.

This journey travels that same old path, smeared with those same nostalgic tidbits of habits and memories. But circumstances and situations do change, and so should our adaptability and our own reaction force. Both the reaction and action forces should be constructive in this case, for improvement.

Be better each day- the motto should be as simple as it. We will have the same tasks, have the same food, breathe the same air, but it is our own impacts, and our own reflections which should vary.

Ring out the old, Ring in the new!!!


Difficulties and hurdles are there every time, but they shouldn’t be inhibitors. Rather they should be catalysts to spark those hidden positive genes within you for better chromosomal synergy. Unearth the best in you, even if adversities press hard due to externalities. Love your own self, and that will take care of everything else.

The beauty of the Divine is compassion and grace.When we are seen making an honest effort through regular meditation to overcome our failings, to honestly assess these shortcomings ourselves, even if we have difficulty, our sincerity is noticed.The Divine will respond with compassion and grace. If we are still struggling, we will get help. By our effort and grace of the Divine,we will achieve spiritual improvement faster, reaching our goal of union with the Creator. We will see rapid spiritual progress in our lives. This New Year, let us put it to the test and see the results and proof for ourselves.


Art of Being the Beacon of Positivity

Each one of us has the potential to create an oasis of assurances and security around. When people exercise this power to be beacons of peace, then it can create waves of positivity, joy and celebrations across the planet. Like Pippin, one must kindle the beacon of enlightenment and it can form a chain to connect humanity in our common battle against ignorance and negative forms within ourselves. And then peace triumphs, truth unfurls and humanity finds its true luster , getting rid from cloud of negativity.


May this New year brings peace, happiness and fulfillment to everybody, and may each one of us be a beacon of bright hope and optimism to those around them and to the world.


Making a head-start to life

The start of a new year is the best time to mark a new beginning. We need to shake off our despondency and look at life with reinvigorated energy, zeal, enthusiasm and positive vibes. We need to have the right tools to be happier and spread it to people around us.


The beauty of the Divine is compassion and grace.When we are seen making an honest effort through regular meditation to overcome our failings, to honestly assess these shortcomings ourselves, even if we have difficulty, our sincerity is noticed.The Divine will respond with compassion and grace. If we are still struggling, we will get help. By our effort and grace of the Divine,we will achieve spiritual improvement faster, reaching our goal of union with the Creator. We will see rapid spiritual progress in our lives. This New Year, let us put it to the test and see the results and proof for ourselves.

All the very best to all striving deserving individual out there. Let’s play our game of life in this Eden of earth, and play with command, glory, energy; gleaming with positive spectrum.



Indian way of Shubharambh

And here’s some words for INDIA, as well. The grand Nation turning into yet another calendar phase. Jay Hind!!!


And here I have missed the real toast of this hour amidst these thought-provoking visions-

A PROSPEROUS HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2018 & Onwards…..(To be continued)
