Happy & Healing New Year 2021:- A 108-line Poetry to bestow Divinity & resurrect Humanity

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“Shiva- One God to save them all”

The behemoth cosmic chromosome lies entwined in the vast spatial infinity,
Its rotating galactic pivot lies strong and secured in the hands of the Almighty.
His pious, magnanimous heart and His omnipresent psyche dedicated to all;
There belongs Lord Shiva- the Controller of rhythm of events- large and small;
As the ever-smiling ascetic and austere Yogic God pervades the holy offerings
With His blessings for all the people by removing their sorrow & sufferings.

The divine piercing trident connects the three worlds of varying values;
Signifying the three glorious ages as well as the three innate virtues.
The eternal giver of inner peace and the embodiment of all qualities-
Nurturing the evolving human soul with godly virtues and moralities,
The limitless One with endless love for all of His creative cosmic synergy-
His celestial Third eye concentrates the core of entire universal energy.

With His fierce army of legions of spectres, spirits, goblins and phantoms,
Of all the cursed & banished have-nots and discriminated wretched ones;
Saviour Shiva sheltered those departed unhappy souls in his own company,
They were baptized by the Lord and chose the path to serve all & sundry.
Merciful and pious Shiva accepts all who remain marginalised & untouched
Unnoticed and unheard- they are held in honour by the kind impartial Lord.

Omnipresent Shiva presides over all the corners of the entire domain space.
From people’s spiritual mind to an infant’s wannabe superhero dream race;
From being a ‘deity’ statue in the remains of Harappa, in an earthly cavern;
To the celebrated Natarajan idol in the European Space Odyssey of CERN.
As the awestruck scientists recognize your dynamic dance of vitality,
Defending all against the vices and defying the impending mortality.

In the grave quietude and majestic grandeur of the lofty Himalayas,
Snow-clad terrains of your stronghold- the mountain peaks of Kailash.
The icy mountaintops and crystal-clear Manas Sarovar add to its serenity,
The abode of the dear God Shiva in an idyllic setting of bliss and simplicity.
Mellifluous symphony of Your playing the harp fills the silent surroundings;
Your tears of compassion descend on earth blossoming into ‘Rudraksh’.

Shiva- The emblem of kindness evokes positivity in every breadth & length.
One who embraces the destitute, weak & inferiors; & Defeats fearful death-
His matted hair strands sparkle with silver spokes of the shining moon
The glowing aura of the radiant sun enlightens earth with Shiva’s boon.
As the sacred stream of river Ganga glides down from your head,
Descending on earth & Inundating all with knowledge and truth.

O thou innocent one who differs not between a friend and a fiend;
Your Pleasing persona pacifies inner soul & rejuvenates the torrid mind.
From the dawn of the civilizations to the great Judgement Day,
As the unforgiving rollicking time swiftly travels further away;
You are the saviour of this creation and all that that manifests honesty
Into the pantheon of immortality you will revive the grace of humanity.

Heisenberg’s uncertainty is resolved with precise position & momentum;
Beyond the outreach of Physics and the impact of forces of quantum;
Scintillating Supernovas and the Luminescent nebulae illumine all,
Like the existence of duality of Schrodinger’s cat- being paradoxical.
Reinvigorating the evergreen perennial source of Shiva’s eternal energy,
Einstein’s relativity calculates the metric of the same everlasting energy.

Flow of time halts to a magical standstill, Space remains unmeasured.
When the bizarre whims of Nature lies unpredictable and uncontrolled;
As the roaring and swirling winds surge upwards onto the heaven,
Shiva protects the world from the caustic venoms of ‘Halahala’ Poison;
Armed with his celestial missile ‘Pasupat’ and archery-bow ‘Pinaka’,
Deluged in the marble-whitened waters of ancient river Narmada.

The zealous Natarajan goes berserk with his ‘rudra‘ tandava nrityam’
Planets and stars rejoice in exhilaration of the heightened enthusiasm.
Weaving the intergalactic cosmic fabric, Shiva unifies all into space;
Infinity becomes limited and the countable ones turn countless.
Spiritual yet atypical, Destructor yet protector, He is the versatile One-
Greatest of all warriors, Saint of all saints- yet the most humble One.

In form of Energetic & Ecstatic Natarajan avatar, He dance in a vibrant trance,
As Lord Shiva emerges as a symbol of tolerance and universal acceptance.
The vibrating baritone of the monosyllabic Om diffuses into the thin air,
The Resplendent and rekindling orange flames ignite in the ring of fire.
One who is the ‘Mrityunjay’, and wins over the all-conquering gruesome Time
Like the ascetic Meditating mendicant focusing deep in His psyche & rhyme.

Holding the garland of the wild ‘Dhatura’ flowers, He rolls His ‘damaru’,
As Shiva’s devout devotee, vizier and carrier Nandi takes the form of a bull.
Controlling the permanent flow of the perpetual cycle of the earthly human life,
Anchoring the ship in the turbulent turmoil tides of tempestuous time in rife,
One whose very name is a philosopher’s touchstone to convert dexterous-
Good or bad, Love or hate- all find the equality before His forgiveness.

Shiva- The creator of All, the Preserver of Goods, and the Destroyer of Evil;
The unbounded force of ocean depths emanates out of Shiva’s conch shell.
Balancing the ever-changing contrasting cosmic forces’ conundrum;
Shiva, the lone stabilizer, expertly recreates the required equilibrium.
Piercing the delusion veil of vile darkness and egotistic ignorance,
He illumines all living beings with the incandescence of radiance.

Elixir of inner wisdom smears the three of Your empathetic eyes;
The master of renunciation- You are the symbol of selfless sacrifice.
By letting go of all the worldly comforts and glittering gold,
Like the innocent unperturbed noble mind of a playful child.
Freeing billions of shackled souls from the quagmire of illusion,
You drive all of us towards the goal of purity and completion.

When in this 203rd decade, the humankind’s integrity is at stake,
With nations surrendering and economies recessing in a setback;
Earth remains reeling under a microscopic attack- lethal & malignant;
Time for retaliation has arrived, O Lord Shiva- pious & benevolent!
Infernal and Invisible- the immutable enemy strikes with fatal blow;
Our defence failed & breached, as we stand helpless in grief & sorrow.

When the satanic and Mephistophelian menaces take charge over,
Let Thy holy name annihilate the brewing evils and all the danger.
O the Omniscient one, beholding the scorching venom in Your blue throat!
Once again, You will consume this inimical virus that stalls all growth.
Once again thy trident will tear apart the looming deadly threat,
To protect us all, You will reincarnate again with valiant strength.

Your third eye opens as Your fearsome retribution will char them down.
Yet again You will regain calmness and go on Your game of creation.
Transcending into everyone the cherished gifts of Humanity.
You help all who strive hard with perseverance and sincerity.
Towards all that remains good and virtuous in our minds’ channels
Yours will be the mantra to overcome the odds & cross the hurdles.

Your smiling countenance and those placid trails of tranquility-
Brings the assurance of faith and soak in traits of utmost purity.
O the Remover of afflictions, you wipe out tears & ameliorate our loss!
O the Omnipotent Auspicious one- encompassing the entire cosmos!
I bow down to Thee seeking the solicitude of Shiva’s sublime salvation.
Let Shiva’s sympathy save His children & wend them towards perfection.

|||||ॐ नमः शिवाय |||||

Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat !!!

-Mahamrityunjaya Mantra.

Wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
We shall overcome all challenges and emerge victorious against all odds. Our conviction, will-power, dedication and indomitable spirit will pave the way towards excellence & success. For all that still remains good in this earth, the positive forces of Nature & Humanity will triumph over the microscopic adversaries.

Jai Hind!!!

Stay Healthy.
Stay Safe.

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